Colloidal Silver Facts

My Personal Testimony

The first thing I noticed after staring to use Colloidal Silver (spraying into nostrils) is that my sinusitis cleared up and has never returned. I kept making and using Colloidal Silver every day as a preventive treatment strategy. Well, along came 2001 and I was bragging to everyone about being illness-free (unheard of for me) for three years when I went on a trip to Ontario, Oregon, without my Colloidal Silver. After teaching for the day, my throat was quite dry and irritated. By the time I returned home, I had a full-blown infection that, as usual, went to my lungs and I was quite upset about it. That's no coincidence. I didn't have a nebulizer at the time so I couldn't really get the Colloidal Silver properly to the location of the infection in my lungs. I had to settle for some antibiotics and was sick for about 10 days. Soon after that I bought a nice little nebulizer.

In my personal research, I have found that to make Colloidal Silver work most effectively, I had to get the Colloidal Silver to the source of the illness. So, for sinusitis, I introduced the Colloidal Silver as a mist into the sinus cavities. For respiratory illness, I introduced Colloidal Silver into the lungs using a misting nebulizer. For ear infections, Colloidal Silver drops did the job quite well. If I feel any symptoms coming on...aches, chills, etc, I drink a few ounces every half hour for a few hours to increase the level of Colloidal Silver throughout the body. For eye infections, I merely spray Colloidal Silver directly on to the eye which is not only soothing, but quickly reduces the infection. For cuts, I merely placed a couple of drops of Colloidal Silver on the pad of a band aid. Just try that. You'll see no inflammation and healing will occur much more quickly. If I thought I had food poisoning, I'd drink about 8 oz. and then 30 minutes later I did the same thing. I was amazed to see how fast my symptoms disappeared. Using these protocols, I've been able to effectively prevent various bacterial and/or viral "invasions" through the years.

Back in the early 2000's, Tyler, my grandson, was relieved of a terribly painful ear infection in a about one hour. When my mother-in-law suffered from an ear infection for three days, I put some Colloidal Silver in her ears and was just fine the next morning! My son was experiencing a hacking cough with congestion. He nebulized once, and the next day he noticed the cough was gone and he felt much better.

Now, I'm not claiming this will work for you, and I'm no doctor, so all I can say is you need to do the research and find out for yourself if Colloidal Silver is for you.

The FDA says that, since I've used Colloidal Silver for a prolonged period, I should have a condition called argyria and look like a smurf (see my picture to the right), but alas, not so. Frankly, I don't know of any Colloidal Silver user who has or is suffering any symptoms whatsoever of argyria from using properly prepared pure Colloidal Silver. Rosemary Jacobs over-used some kind of compound prescribed by her doctor. Stan Jones confessed to drinking ill-prepared, unfiltered, and very "dirty" silver mixture. Pure Colloidal Silver is not a "silver compound," and therefore, by definition should not be a cause of argyria, but I guess the FDA conveniently let that fact slip by.

Consequently, it doesn't matter what the FDA, the FTC, Quackwatch, or any other establishment wonks say: my personal use proved that CS works for me. I've tested it. I encourage you to spend some time surfing my website for information on Colloidal Silver. Don't just take my word or the word of others: educate yourself.

With all the anecdotal evidence supporting the safe use of Colloidal Silver, I wonder why the FDA, AMA, and private/educational research facilities don't put more effort into clinical research. Could it be the money? Are those at the top of the big pharma/medical food chain more interested in managing illness rather than preventing illness? Do they strangle those practitioners who want to use all available resources to eliminate illness? Well, I don't have time to worry about that. All I can do is help myself and inform others as best I can. ;-)

Update: Jenny is now over 17 years out since her transplant and very active as a manager at a medical clinic and in activities like Race for the Cure, etc.

Steve Geigle
Redmond, Oregon USA

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